Tuesday 11 August 2009


The the arrival of the fibre optic cable at the port of Mombasa, and its formal launch in July 2009, East africa is abuzz with activity. Jobs are being created by their hundreds.

There is increased and palpable excitement in the air. Service providers have launched new products, especially in the formerly sleepy category of internet and data services.

For the savvy entrepreneur, please do not look for a job. Create your own business and become a partner rather than an employee to these firms. Many have started in the simplest way as air time sales people and gradually grown into distributors. One truism that seems lost on many a jobseeker is that you need next to zero investment to start such businesses.

In this era of Kazi kwa Vijana, it is apt that we encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship among East African youth. What's more, the jobs need not be confined to any particular East African nation. Youth in Rwanda are doing business in Kenya and Uganda, and its my firm belief that all the other East african nations; add Kenya and Burundi, should have entrepreneurship opportunities open to the entire 120 million population of the EAC Community.

If you visited this blog in search of a job, well, there you are, you hold the key to one. Take the first step, and endless opportunities will be open to you.

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